Google Alerts

Google Alerts app

Google Alerts RSS. Display an RSS using a URL from Google Alerts.

Creating a Google Alerts app

Click on the Google Alerts app within your App gallery to add it, or click this link to quickly create a new one and fill in the app details as follows:

  1. Name is required and an optional Description for it.
  2. In the Put the URL of the RSS feed field, paste the URL of the desired feed.
  3. Set the Maximum News Posts to show.
  4. Set the Slide Duration for each post.
  5. Toggle off the Display post image, if you want to display only the text content of the RSS feeds.
  6. Choose the Refresh Interval in seconds.
  7. Select the Font Size, Font Color, and Background Color to your liking.
  8. Set the Default Duration that the app will appear in a playlist.
  9. You can set the Play From/Play Until parameters. In other words, you can select the expiration date, which means that you can choose the exact date and time that this app will play in your playlist. We recommend selecting the “Always” and “Forever” settings for the app to never expire.
  10. Click “Save,” and your app is ready to use.

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