My User Profile

My User Profile

Clicking on this section provides you with four categories of settings regarding your user profile. You can quickly access your User profile by clicking this link here.

To change your personal information, like your first and last name or your email, make the relevant changes in the corresponding boxes providing this information under this section.

When you change your email, a verification email will be sent to your new email address.

In this section, you can also set/change your Continent/Country and/or your City/Zone and Language.

The list of the available languages is the following:

  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • Finnish
  • French
  • French (CA)
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Norwegian
  • Portuguese
  • Portuguese (BR)
  • Russian
  • Swedish 
  • Turkish
  • Vietnamese

Clicking “Save” will upload the changes to your account.

Here, you can enable or disable the option of notifying you by email when a device goes offline. Whenever a player is offline, i.e., not connected to our server, you will get an initial notification email in 5 hours and a second in 24 hours if the issue has not been resolved.

Also, you can enable or disable the option of receiving an email notification if you are logged in from another location.


In this section, you can change your password to a new one.

Two-step verification (a.k.a 2FA) or two-step authentication confirms a user’s claimed identity by utilizing something they know (password) and a second factor other than something they have. An example of a second step is the user repeating something sent to them through an out-of-band mechanism. The second step might be a 6-digit number generated by an app common to the user and the authentication system. Yodeck provides this feature to secure your account with the Two Factor feature.

Let’s get started then to show you how to enable this feature.

First of all, download an authenticator app. You can download an Authenticator app based on the mobile/laptop device you will use to pair with your Yodeck account.

  • Google Authenticator for iOS
  •  Google Authenticator for Android
  •  Microsoft Authenticator for Windows Mobile
  •  WinAuth for PC/Laptop
  •  Google Authenticator for Browser
  •  or any two-factor authentication application

After downloading one of the aforementioned Authenticator apps, please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to your Yodeck Account and go to “My User Profile
  2. Click the “Two Factor” tab
  3. When you enable the Two Factor Authentication, a QR Code will be generated with a Secret Key.
    • You can scan the QR code and get a new 6-digit code with a camera.
    • If you don’t have a camera for scanning the code, use the Secret key with your Authenticator app.
  4. A new window will appear when you click the “Save” button. Enter the 6-digit code generated from the app installed on your PC/Laptop/Browser/Cell Phone, and click OK.
2-factor authentication

If the procedure succeeds, you will see a relevant message, and your Two-factor Authentication app will be ready.

Besides, even if the procedure fails, don’t be afraid of locking yourself out. Two Two-factor authentication will not be enabled.