Web Pages

You can upload and manage any web page you want in the Web Pages section.

Adding a Web Page

To add a web page, click the “Add Web Page” button at the bottom of the Web Pages list. As a next step, you have to:

  • Type in the Name of the web page
  • Type an optional Description
  • Paste the URL of the web page
  • Add Tags to the uploaded image
  • Set the Default Duration of the image if you decide to add it to a playlist
  • Click Save to create the web page

Web Page’s Advanced Features

Click on a tab to see a short description for each setting.

In other words, you can set the expiration date, which means you can choose the exact date and time this web page will display in your playlist or layout. More details in the Media Availability guide.

Set a refresh interval for the web page.

It is also enabled, by default, to adjust the zoom for screens with a width other than 1920 pixels so that they look the same.

If a web page or web widget isn’t loading or a player is offline, you can choose an image to appear instead of a black or white error screen. Just click inside the box and choose your image from your account.

It is set to 100% by default. By altering it, you zoom in (>100) or out (<100) of the web page by the given percentage.

Web pages open in private browsing mode by default to prevent caching issues. You can use the toggle to disable this.

Some modern web pages do not work correctly with WebKit. Currently, when using Chromium, the web page can’t be transparent.

  1. Retain Session Data – By default, this feature is disabled when using Chromium. If you want to keep the same session for this web page, even after a device reboot, you can click the toggle button to enable it. The “Disable Private Browsing” option will also be enabled upon enabling this option.
  2. Enable Flash – By default. This feature is disabled when using Chromium. If a web page requires a Flash player to display the web page content, you can click on the toggle to enable it.

It may be helpful in cases where the web page requires a newer browser User Agent. Contact our support for more details.

We made it possible for users to disable certificate checks for a web page so they can display internal sites without valid certification. If you are facing a certificate issued with your web page, toggle the button to ON, and the web page will ignore any certificate errors.

You can click on the toggle to enable the scripting engine feature, where you can add scripts to run after a web page is loaded so you can modify and navigate it as you wish. For more information, please check out the Web Scripting Engine section in the user manual.

Managing Web Pages

In the “Web Pages” section, you can see a list of the web pages uploaded to your Yodeck account. Image information is organized in the following columns:

  • the Name of the web page along with a Preview (thumbnail) of the actual web page
  • the Timestamp (date and time) that the web page was modified for the last time
  • the Workspace (for accounts in the Enterprise plan) that the web page belongs
  • the Tags (for accounts in the Pro and Enterprise plan) that are applied to the web page
  • the Actions column

If you click on the three dots icon in the Actions column, you will be presented with a list of actions that you can apply to your web pages.

Click on each tab below to see a short description.

Change the details of a web page by clicking the ”Edit” button.
Here, you can substitute the web page, which will be changed wherever used.
Check out the “Adding a Web Page” section above for details on the fields.

Create an exact copy of the web page with a new name.

You can move web pages to folders and/or other Workspaces (for accounts in the Enterprise plan).

Delete the web page.

Additional Control Settings

At the top-left corner, you can use the Search box to sort out your web page listing quickly. You can search using any of the four columns by name, date, workspace, and tag.

You can select one or more web pages by clicking the square box left to their thumbnail. You can then click the Actions button at the bottom to Edit, Move, and Delete all the selected web pages at once.

At the top-right corner, you can click on the “+Add Folder” button in order to create a folder that can be used to group media files (the folder will be global among Images, Videos, Audio, Documents, Web Pages, and Widgets).

You can also change the listing and refresh the view.

Video Tutorial