Table of Contents

Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end-users to create reports and dashboards. It is part of the Microsoft Power Platform. In this guide, you will quickly learn how to create a Power BI app under your Yodeck account.
Premium App
Premium App
This is a Premium App; you must be on the Premium Plan to use it!
Creating a Power BI app
- Click on the Power BI app within your app gallery to add it, and fill in the app details as follows:
- A name and an optional description are required for the app.
- Click the “Login with Microsoft” and authenticate to log in to your PowerBi account.
- In the Enter URL field, paste the URL of the desired graph from your PowerBi account.
- 💡Don’t know which URL you need to type?
- Check the “Which URL do I need to paste?” section below.
- Choose the Refresh Interval of your graph (the default rate is 30 minutes).
- Choose to display the report’s page at the bottom of the screen.
- Click “Save,” and your app is ready to use.
Advanced Settings
💡Applicable only for Raspberry Pi
Enabling this option, the Raspberry Pi will take a screenshot of the PowerBI report/dashboard in the background every X minutes (based on the refresh rate). When the app’s playback time comes, it will display the screenshot. In the case of heavy dashboards, it is recommended that the data be loaded and rendered before they are displayed.
By enabling this option, you can set media Availability. In other words, you can select a future and an expiration date, which means you can pick the exact date and time this media will be available to play on your screens. For more details, please check the Media Availability guide.
Power BI’s Final result

Which URL do I need to paste?
Log in to your Power BI account, go to the Dashboard or Report you would like to display, and copy the link directly from the address bar. Paste that link into the aforementioned “Enter URL” field.
If you have a dashboard with multiple reports and you want to display all of them, one after the other, then copy the dashboard’s URL. Otherwise, copy the URL of a specific report of yours.

I’m seeing the below error messages on my screen.
Re-login needed: Go to your app’s page and log in again to your Power BI account.
A: Please log in to your Yodeck account, edit the Power BI App, click the Sign-Out button, and re-login with your Microsoft credentials. Save the form and push the changes to the players.
Permission needed: Check your Power BI permissions.
A: The Microsoft account that you paired doesn’t have permission to display the Dashboard or Report you have pasted in the URL field. Reach out to your Power BI administrator to give you relative access. This message depends on how your Microsoft account administrators have set up the admin consent workflow for your Microsoft tenant. For more details about the admin consent workflow, please refer to this resource.
Invalid URL: Check the Power BI URL you provided in the app.
A: Ensure that the URL you pasted in the URL field is being copied directly from your browser’s address bar. If the URL is typed properly and you still face the same error message, contact our Tech support using the form below.
Check your Network connection.
A: Ensure that the player has access to the internet. If the player is Offline on your dashboard, the Power BI cannot reach our servers and display the relative content. Contact our Tech support using the form below.
Contact Support: We are not sure what went wrong, please contact Support and include this app’s ID in your message.
A: Contact our Tech support using the form below.
Need Help?
The Yodeck Support Team can help you out! Log in to your Yodeck account and Send us a message from the bottom right corner!