Daily Weather App Source Code

The app’s HTML code

For the ZIP file, reach out to our support.

The app’s JSON schema

We need to declare a schema for the required configuration fields:

daily weather schema.jsonExpand source

"meta": {
"name": "Daily Weather",
"documentationUrl": "/daily-weather-on-screen/",
"description": "Shows current weather and the week’s forecast via Opeweather.",
"details": "Display weather in a daily forecast. <hr> <span style=\"font-size:12px; font-style: italic\">NOTE: App will automatically reload the data every 10 minutes </span>",
"group": "Weather",
"html_player_support": true,
"preview_category": "styling_live"
"styleSettings": [
"supportLiveUpdate": true,
"data": {
"auto_detect": true,
"theme": "light",
"font": "Open Sans",
"temprature": 1,
"lang": "en",
"hourly": false,
"current": false,
"daily": true,
"forecast": 6,
"maincolor": "#076890",
"secondarycolor": "#7ac6e5",
"textcolor": "#ffffff"
"fields": [
"schema": {
"location_text": {
"type": "Text",
"title": "Location Header",
"help": "Leave it blank to apply the location name automatically or type a custom location header",
"placeholder": "e.g. Seattle, Centre"
"auto_detect": {
"type": "Boolean",
"title": "Use player's location",
"help": "Display weather information based on the Player's location or a custom location.",
"hideOnTrue": [
"theme": {
"type": "Select",
"title": "Color Theme",
"options": [
"options": [
"val": "light",
"label": "Light"
"val": "dark",
"label": "Dark"
"val": "transparent",
"label": "Transparent"
"val": "custom",
"label": "Custom"
"hides": [
"fields": [
"fields": [
"fields": [
"fields": []
"shows": [
"fields": []
"fields": []
"fields": [
"fields": [
"forecast": {
"type": "Select",
"title": "No of Days For Forecast",
"validators": [
"options": [
"label": "3",
"val": 3
"label": "6",
"val": 6
"location_data": {
"type": "GoogleMapSingleMarker",
"title": "Select Location"
"temprature": {
"type": "Select",
"title": "Show Temperature In ",
"options": [
"label": "Celsius",
"val": 0
"label": "Fahrenheit",
"val": 1
"label": "Kelvin",
"val": 2
"lang": {
"type": "Select2",
"options": [
"label": "Arabic",
"val": "ar"
"label": "Bulgarian",
"val": "bg"
"label": "Catalan",
"val": "ca"
"label": "Czech",
"val": "cz"
"label": "Danish",
"val": "da"
"label": "German",
"val": "de"
"label": "Greek",
"val": "el"
"label": "English",
"val": "en"
"label": "Basque",
"val": "eu"
"label": "Persian (Farsi)",
"val": "fa"
"label": "Finnish",
"val": "fi"
"label": "French",
"val": "fr"
"label": "Galician",
"val": "gl"
"label": "Croatian",
"val": "hr"
"label": "Hungarian",
"val": "hu"
"label": "Italian",
"val": "it"
"label": "Japanese",
"val": "ja"
"label": "Korean",
"val": "kr"
"label": "Latvian",
"val": "la"
"label": "Lithuanian",
"val": "lt"
"label": "Macedonian",
"val": "mk"
"label": "Dutch",
"val": "nl"
"label": "Polish",
"val": "pl"
"label": "Portoguese",
"val": "pt"
"label": "Romanian",
"val": "ro"
"label": "Russian",
"val": "ru"
"label": "Serbian",
"val": "sr"
"label": "Swedish",
"val": "sv"
"label": "Slovak",
"val": "sk"
"label": "Slovenian",
"val": "sl"
"label": "Spanish",
"val": "es"
"label": "Turkish",
"val": "tr"
"label": "Ukrainian",
"val": "ua"
"label": "Vietnamese",
"val": "vi"
"label": "Chinese Simplified",
"val": "zh_cn"
"label": "Chinese Traditional",
"val": "zh_tw"
"title": "Language",
"editorClass": "select2container full-size"
"font": {
"type": "FontFamily",
"title": "Font",
"editorClass": "select2container full-size"
"maincolor": {
"type": "SpectrumColorPicker",
"title": "Primary Color"
"secondarycolor": {
"type": "SpectrumColorPicker",
"title": "Secondary Color"
"textcolor": {
"type": "SpectrumColorPicker",
"title": "Text Color"
"style_seperator": {
"margin-top": 48,
"type": "Seperator",
"title": "Style"
"advanced_seperator": {
"type": "Seperator",
"title": "Advanced"

App creation

In the upload app page, we create a new app, upload the attached zip file and enter the schema given above.

After that, we can create Weather apps with the desired configuration.

For any questions you may have, reach out and our dev team can help you out.