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Why become a digital signage reseller? It’s a good question, and one I never tire of answering emphatically.

Because truth be told, it’s tougher to explain why not to.

On a basic level, I can give you $27.8 billion reasons why you should become a b2b digital signage reseller. What’s that number? The estimated size of the global market for digital signage services by 2026.

Yes, today’s already booming market is expected to grow by a compound annual growth rate of 11.2 percent from 2021 to 2026. That’s according to a recent global report from researchers MarketsandMarkets. So, your first motivation is getting yourself a piece of that substantial pie.

What’s in it for the digital signage reseller?

A lot (and that’s apart from the money to be made). Try these for size to get started:

  • The wide variety of solutions on offer means you can enrich your own product portfolio with a service that suits you and your business needs and goals
  • You can gain credibility and kudos as an innovator by offering such a service to your clients
  • Acquire new clients from industries you never thought possible via your digital signage offering. Then cross-sell and up-sell them your other products and services
  • The low cost of the relevant hardware and software available means that you can benefit from great margins
  • Create a unique service offering using white-label digital signage technology to sell Β2Β solutions as one of your own value-added service offerings

What is driving the growth?

Many factors are stimulating the rapid growth of the market which makes it attractive for digital signage resellers. Lower cost of hardware, variety of more simple, cloud-based solutions (like ours at Yodeck), and quality of them. But perhaps the number one reason behind it may surprise you. It’s the customer. And by the customer, I mean both businesses and end consumers who see, hear and experience it.

This translates into a holistic ever-increasing demand in today’s consumer-driven marketplace. Despite being around for some time, digital signage is still a relatively new product. And many businesses and organizations are only now beginning to realize their full potential.

A multi-industry appeal for digital signage resellers

Whatever line of business you are in as a digital reseller, chances are there will be space in your portfolio for digital signage. Why? Because it’s constantly spreading its wings from the retail world, into many other verticals, such as:

Many businesses have used digital signage in the past for purely informational reasons. But those same companies, and many more new businesses, are opening their eyes to its power as an advertising and promotional tool. You only have to look at the growing trend of Telecoms companies offering digital signage as a B2B SaaS offering to their enterprise customers. When Telcos start getting involved and start collaborating with digital sign companies, you know things are getting serious.

And why not? Even small businesses are able to fit it into their budgets because of lower costs, and easier deployment. Also, because of the fact that they can tap into new revenue streams. Check out our section on some of the key use cases for these digital signage vertical markets and see how digital signage may apply to you and your customers.

Be part of this growth with Yodeck’s digital signage software

I hope this has shed some light on why being a narrowcasting reseller is both rewarding and profitable. Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter how small or how large the business or market is. Opportunities are everywhere! However, if you would like more information or have any questions about how you can become Yodeck digital signage distributors, contact us to find out more and get started!