movie theater digital signage

When your customers arrive at your movie theatre, they’re looking for a premier experience. It’s not just about the film they’ve come to watch, but everything else too—from queuing for the latest release to loading up on popcorn, to finding their seats in time for the trailers. 

To create the right atmosphere for your visitors, your cinema signage needs to not only be informative, but visually engaging as well. And at Yodeck, we can help you offer exactly that. With our digital signage, you can deliver the exciting, inspiring experience your cinema guests expect. 

In this article, you’ll find tons of ideas, tips, and advice on best practices when it comes to creating great cinema signage with digital signage for events. But let’s start with some of the benefits.

Why Invest in Digital Cinema Signage?

When it comes to great cinema signage, going digital is the top of the bill. Why? 

Digital signs are visually appealing, easily updated, and illuminated—all great features for the cinema environment. It also means they’re perfect for advertising your latest releases in the most eye-catching way. And, with loads of animated templates and interactive apps available, they’re just the ticket when it comes to captivating your visitors. 

Here are some concrete ways that digital signage can benefit your business:

  • Engage your audience. Digital signage never fades. Rich, illuminated colors, sharp graphics capture and animated content capture your audience’s attention far better than any poster. Media-rich digital displays are well worth the investment, increasing target viewer attention and visibility by 400% compared to static displays. 
  • Drive revenue by promoting events and third-party adverts. Increase awareness and encourage visitors to engage with your brand by promoting any special events you might be running. Create a digital signage advertising network to increase revenue by hosting third-party advertising campaigns.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to the environment. Using digital signs saves the paper you would have used on posters, flyers, and maps. Communicate this to your visitors to show them your commitment to a greener future.
  • Keep content fresh and relevant. Digital signage is a tech-driven approach that means you can manage content and advertising campaigns from wherever you are, all at the touch of a button. As a result, you’ll find it much easier to keep your content up-to-date, excite your customers, and impress your key stakeholders.  

With Yodeck, you can get started with digital cinema signage today. And, when you sign up, your first screen is totally free with no commitment to buy. 

Once you’re up and running, why not try out some of our blockbuster ideas to get the very most out of Yodeck’s digital signage?

6 Blockbuster Ideas for Cinema Signage

At Yodeck, we know every business is unique. Whilst we have loads of super professional-looking free templates and apps for you to try, we’ve also made them completely customizable so you can make them work for you. 

Here are six blockbuster ideas for you to play with:

1. Advertise events

A crucial aspect of fostering brand loyalty is about adding value to customer experience. Running special-interest events is a great way to do this, and with digital signage, you’ve got the perfect medium to advertise. As well as catching your customer’s eye using one of our beautiful, eye-catching templates, make use of our vast selection of clever apps. We’ve got a whole selection, including QR codes, tagged social media content, and live feeds to drive engagement.

2. Announce new arrivals

Capitalize on visitor anticipation by putting new arrivals front and center of your advertising campaign. 

With Yodeck’s dashboard, it’s easy to create a playlist of almost any media content you like. Rather than relying on manually changing posters for new screenings, use our digital solution to create a sparkling lineup instead. Update the content on every screen at the touch of a button, so your movie-goers will always be up to date.

3. Promote special offers

What happens if you see the same advert over and over again? Eventually, you zone out (psychologists call this customer fatigue). 

So use digital cinema signage to always keep adverts fresh. Swap tired old poster boards for digital screens and encourage your customers to increase their spend with your latest (and greatest) offers.

4. Help your visitors find their way around

Cinemas and theatres, especially when busy, can be confusing to navigate. So help your visitors get where they need to go with a clear, illuminated, digital map. 

Use your site plan to highlight toilets, exits, fire assembly points, and help desks. Consider showing your digital maps on screens near entrances and exits and next to ticket stations for maximum reach. 

5. Entice your customers with delicious digital menus

Delectable snacks and treats are a crucial part of that special cinema experience. Use our bright and attractive menu board templates to showcase all that you have to offer. 

Think about placement too. Consider placing digital menu boards in sight of where people queue for tickets, to add interest and drive revenue. 

6. Show your customers you care

As we emerge from the pandemic, your visitors are looking for reassurance that their safety is your first priority. Use digital signage to show you care, with clear guidance on things like social distancing, hand washing, and face masks. That said, digital signage isn’t just limited to COVID-19. Thanks to our Emergency Alert Feature, Yodeck screens can easily be used for real-time alerting in the event of a live shooter, fire, or adverse weather event—with content that can be updated in a matter of seconds.

Best Practices for Effective Cinema Signage

Your movie theatre isn’t just a screening room, it’s a venue. Everything from first dates to family outings happens here. Your customers are looking for an experience—one they can cherish, look forward to doing again and tell all their friends about. 

Here are our top tips on how to use cinema signage to make their visit unforgettable:

  • Use the power of digital to create an epic atmosphere. With a digital signage solution from Yodeck, you can upload whatever media you like. Choose the best quality, highest resolution media to really grab visitor attention (and remember, you can add audio too, which is a great way to create a dramatic atmosphere). 
  • Harness social media. Create ‘selfie spots’ with favorite characters from the movies. Use digital screens and social media apps to update your visitors with relevant hashtags, and create social media walls with real-time feed updates to drive engagement. 
  • Keep things interesting. Remember, you’ve got more to offer than just movies. Keep things varied and update your screens regularly, with things like events, competitions and offers.
  • Drive loyalty by adding value. Whilst there are plenty of ways to do this, finding ways to make your customers’ experience more comfortable is always appreciated. So consider adding apps to your screens with live transport and weather updates, or even things like metro timetables to assist visitors with their journey home.
  • Use digital signage to keep your visitors safe and comfortable. Yodeck’s digital content can be updated in a matter of seconds, so it’s perfect for real-time alerting. Consider using digital screens to communicate vital information—something especially useful in emergencies and for crowd control. 

Case Study: How Richard Mille Promoted their Brand with Yodeck Digital Signage

Richard Mille, as you may already know, is an ultra-luxury timepiece brand, not a cinema brand. But when it comes to showcasing their product and managing content, luxury brands like Richard Mille and movie theatre chains have a lot in common. 

Richard Mille approached Yodeck because they wanted a remote, digital solution to manage the content on screens across their boutiques worldwide, completely remotely. 

“I was looking for an efficient video broadcasting solution for our boutiques across the world, with total and rapid control of the content. We are a brand that communicates a lot on current events and this immediacy was essential for us and our clients.”

Video Manager

Cinemas, like luxury brands, need to always ensure that their displayed content is visually stunning, fresh, and up-to-date. And of course, this needs to be able to be managed for venues across the world—no matter where they are. 

Here’s how Richard Mille is benefiting from Yodeck screens today, and how you could too: 

Consistent, high-quality branding all centrally managed online.

-No-fuss, plug-and-play technology, so boutique staff can focus on what they do best—attending to their customers.

-Easy location-specific customization and troubleshooting thanks to our intuitive online dashboard

Yodeck: Stunning Cinema Signage

Yodeck offers effortless, beautiful, digital cinema signage at the click of a button. You can get started with your first screen completely free. But, if you find that you want more, we’ve got a range of great value plans to suit your needs.  

  • Stunning visuals. Vivid colors, bold graphics, animated display—our illuminated signage has it all.  
  • Totally scalable. You can have as many Yodeck screens as you want. But no matter how many you choose, they can all be controlled from our central online dashboard, making updating content a seamless task.  
  • Extreme security. With safety features like restricted user access, two-factor authentication and ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 compliance, you can rest assured that your digital signage will always remain secure. 

Make sure your cinema signage is top-rated with Yodeck.