pharmacy digital signage

When it comes to managing a retail business, creating effective retail digital signage can be the key to success. This is especially the case with pharmacy signage, which always needs to be clear, appealing, and on-brand. The right signage attracts customers to your pharmacy but also provides important health information when it’s needed most.

All too often, though, pharmacies cover their windows and doors with A4 flyers and posters, advertising anything and everything from opening times and phone numbers to flu jabs and covid test availability. This can start to look messy pretty quickly. 

At best, your customers miss key information. At worst, they’ll be put off your pharmacy altogether.

So, what’s the best way to improve your pharmacy signage?

To stay ahead of the curve, it’s all about going digital. In this post, we explain how digital signage can revolutionize your pharmacy’s customer communications and marketing. And with Yodeck’s simple digital signage solution for pharmacies, it’s never been easier to get up and running.

What is Pharmacy Signage?

Pharmacy signage is what it says on the tin!

When we talk about pharmacy signage, this is all the signs, flyers, and posters used inside and outside your pharmacy. That iconic green cross that hangs outside stores? Of course, that counts too.

These materials might promote your store as a whole, advertise helpful information like what’s in stock or holiday opening times, and showcase your latest promotions and product displays.

Pharmacies can also be incredibly busy places, and the right signage can attract customers to your store, encourage impulse purchases, and share vital information on the latest safety protocols.

But if you’re working with information that’s constantly changing (such as waiting times, fluctuating product lines or rotating wellness tips), then paper signs just don’t cut it. You’ll spend more time designing, printing, and putting up posters than helping your customers!

Well, it’s here that digital pharmacy signs really help. Let’s explore the benefits in a bit more detail.

How Digital Pharmacy Signage Can Help Your Business

Clear and concise information will always improve your customers’ shopping experience. Effective and appealing signage can also promote your pharmacy brand, influence purchase decisions, and encourage repeat business.

Given all these benefits, it stands to reason you want your pharmacy signage to be the best it can be. And it’s here that new technologies come into their own. When compared with conventional printed materials, healthcare digital signage is miles ahead.

Here are just a few reasons why.

  • Greater footfall. 80% of shoppers say they’ve gone into a retail space because of a digital signage display. To attract passers-by into your pharmacy, moving digital signage (that really grabs attention) is the way to go. Once they’re in the building, digital signage can also reduce misunderstandings and time spent communicating things like health and safety protocols and wait times.
  • Increased sales and service use. With increased traffic comes increased sales. Digital sales signage can increase retail sales by nearly 30%. And this isn’t just “planned” purchases. In fact, 20% of shoppers report impulse buys after seeing visual advertising in stores. What’s more, if you’re making customers aware of lesser-known extra services (for instance, blood pressure checks, educational courses, or consultations), this will also increase take-up.
  • Data analytics. Digital signage helps your pharmacy improve its bottom line in more ways than just direct sales and footfall. With digital signage, you can easily test various promotions and content, in different locations at various times of day. If you match this up with sales data, you’ll soon understand what appeals to your customers. You’re then empowered to continually improve your pharmacy signage and maximize its effectiveness.
  • Lessen your environmental footprint. A busy pharmacy has a constant rotation of new products and services. As we’ve seen with Covid-19 over the last few years, government healthcare advice can also change on a rapid basis. If you’re designing and printing leaflets, posters, and flyers every time something changes… this comes with increased costs in terms of money, staff time and your environmental impact. With easily-editable digital signage, these concerns are a thing of the past.
  • Build trust. Creating trust with customers is vital in the health industry. Digital signage shows your pharmacy really cares about communicating effectively with your customers and service users. The investment creates a modern, slick impression and increases confidence in your store as a whole.

6 Ideas for Using Digital Signage in Your Pharmacy

There are so many ways you can put digital signage to clever use in your pharmacy. 

Here are just a few ideas to get the inspiration flowing. 

1. Promoting products and stock levels

With Yodeck’s cloud-based software, you can update digital pharmacy signage whenever and wherever you like. Create regularly updated promotions of new items, special offers, and discounts or advertise stock levels in-store. 

While smaller digital screens (like iPads) are great for “point of sale” advertising at the checkout, go for bigger, bolder displays to draw shoppers in from the street. 

If you’ve recently taken stock of hard-to-find products, let customers know! It’s a great way to engage new audiences and get footfall through the door.

2. Brand building

Digital signage doesn’t just have to focus on promoting your products. Build your pharmacy’s brand with carefully considered messaging including your logo, brand color schemes, and glowing customer recommendations. 

For instance, you could create a “meet the team” rotating display or videos communicating your organization’s key mission and services. This helps put a personal, friendly face to healthcare advertising. For added “trust-factor”, use free apps to create a custom social media wall with customer reviews to instantly build trust in your brand.

3. Scheduled messaging

With Yodeck’s digital signage, you can schedule media playlists to display at specific times of day. 

So for instance, you might target advertising towards busy young professionals during morning rush hour (perhaps promoting vitamins or health supplements) and then swap to more targeted services for older audiences during the day. 

The more you customize your content and track results as you go, the better your campaigns will be. 

4. Sharing safety information

Digital signs are great for reminding shoppers to follow important safety advice. Throughout the pandemic, pharmacies used digital signs to remind customers to wear masks, sanitize their hands and keep socially distanced. 

In addition to healthcare advice and social distancing, you can also provide genuinely useful wellness tips, tailored to the time of year and current events. It all helps build trust in your brand and shows customers you genuinely care about their health.

5. Waiting area signage

There are times of day (such as the after-work rush), when customers might face longer wait times while you complete prescription requests. Digital pharmacy signage can update shoppers on anticipated wait times, as well as entertain them with videos, health tips, rolling news, and even community events while they wait. 

While you can’t always avoid longer waiting times, you can make the time pass faster for customers, improving their experience and impression of your pharmacy.

6. Advertising alternative services

With regularly rotating and updatable content, you aren’t limited to one message per sign. So make the most of this and create playlists moving between product spotlights to health and wellness tips, and new services (anything you want to promote!). 

For instance, if you’ve started offering services like medicine delivery, an online store with free shipping, phone consultations, or even smartphone apps allowing consumers to manage their orders… let people know! 

Digital Pharmacy Signage with Yodeck: Getting Started

Installing digital pharmacy signage with Yodeck is super simple.

Sign up for a free Yodeck account and start choosing from hundreds of beautiful templates created for independent pharmacies and healthcare settings.

Make designs your own by adding text, images, videos, and widgets, letting you display anything from real-time weather updates to queue management information and QR codes.

With our easy Yodeck “plug and play” media player, setup is a breeze. Simply order your player, and we’ll even pre-configure your Wi-Fi credentials for you. It’s ready to use, right out the box, so all you have to do is plug it into your screens.

And that’s it, you’re done! Display eye-catching content on your pharmacy screens with the push of a button.

Start creating professional and beautiful digital pharmacy signage today.