Swissport: Digital Signage for Internal Communications

Swissport head office

This case study explores why and how Swissport uses Yodeck Digital Signage Software throughout airports and offices to display transportation digital signage. Specifically, Swissport displays digital signage for corporate communications to engage employees and improve business operations. We spoke to Stijn Vandroogenbroek, Internal Communications Manager at Swissport, Belgium. 

About Swissport

Swissport is the world’s largest provider of ground and cargo handling services in the aviation industry. The company provides services on behalf of some 835 client-companies and handles around 230 million passengers and 4.1 million flights a year.

The Need

Staff at Swissport circulate information internally to maintain operations and provide corporate communications. The company was looking for a solution to improve how they communicate and engage with employees across multiple locations around the globe. Also, they were looking for a versatile tool suitable for various use cases/applications that would be easy for all staff to use. 

Specifically, they required a reliable digital signage platform for sharing critical information needed by their staff to do their jobs. Crucially, they wanted the ability to display important time-sensitive data on screens, such as the status of flights or trucks, in a clear and readable manner. Additionally, they were looking for an efficient all-in-one digital signage solution for a secondary purpose: informing and updating employees in airports and offices via multifaceted corporate communications. 

The Solution

Swissport tested Yodeck after discovering the cloud-based digital signage software through recommendations from colleagues in their international network. Previously, they used a supplier that did not fully meet their needs. However, Swissport found Yodeck quick and easy to deploy. Importantly, staff across their organization could upload, edit and display content with ease. Therefore, the company proceeded to roll out the solution across their business.

Currently, Swissport operates over 30 screens and counting in Brussels. The company strategically employs screens in the operational context at air cargo handling locations for productivity purposes. Furthermore, they use digital signage for daily communications ranging from updates on how the business is going to safety procedures, good news, and more. Essentially, Yodeck replaced static office signs with digital bulletin boards to keep employees up-to-date visually with dynamic digital signage. 

As Yodeck is simple to use, more staff within the company could feed information to screens, allowing for a broader range of content. The company found it easy to train staff to use Yodeck with the Workspace feature, where they could assign users access to specific content and screens. Also, widely used presentation software like PowerPoint and document files such as PDF, Word & Excel meant non-tech savvy staff could create engaging and impactful displays within their skill sets.

“There are not many restrictions for using Yodeck for marketing purposes. It allows for a lot of different types of content, different formats. It leaves you with a lot of options to market or communicate internally or externally. For me, this is the modern application (of the office posting board) which is easier to use, cleaner in the work environment, and which allows people to still share information very easily.”


Internal Communications Manager at Swissport

The Results & Benefits

Overall, Yodeck has given Swissport the ability to communicate better than ever with people across their organization. By digitizing internal communications with Yodeck, Swissport can get vital data to ground staff in real-time. Not only have Swissport increased productivity, but they have also kept team members engaged in the workplace by empowering the broader company to share information through Yodeck’s screen management platform. 

“I think it’s a very versatile tool. It’s a single solution for a lot of different applications. That would be the strongest selling point from our perspective. You have a one-size-fits-all (solution). I think we will be using more and more screens, especially with people now also coming back to the office.”


Internal Communications Manager at Swissport